AEQUITAS Lawyers Attended the Conference “Expanding the Boundaries of International Arbitration”

On 13 April 2023, Almaty hosted one of the most anticipated events of 2024 in the world of commercial arbitration – conference “Expanding the Boundaries of International Arbitration” organized for the first time in Kazakhstan by Young ICCA (International Council for Commercial Arbitration) together with the team of TKS Disputes.

The leading arbitration experts from Washington, New York, London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfurt, Bishkek and Almaty spoke at the event and discussed the key aspects of the arbitration procedure, including initiation of proceedings, appointment of arbitrators and security measures.

AEQUITAS Senior Associate Tair Kulteleev, Associate Dias Zakirov, Junior Associates Emin Nadirov and Spandiyar Kumisbek, and Paralegal Dinmukhamet Nurakhmet attended the conference.

Tair shared: “I liked the organization and information value. This was a very interesting and insightful event”​.

Thanks to the organizers for this helpful event and fruitful networking.

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