Kirill Greshnikov spoke at the Forum "Fintech Borderless: Eurasia Digital"
EQUITAS Associate Kirill Greshnikov spoke at the 4th International Forum "Fintech Borderless: Eurasia Digital", which took place on 17-18 October in Almaty.
The event offered a discussion of the most topical issues of development of public services, fintech and payment business with the leading speakers representing large business of Kazakhstan and the CIS.
Kirill's speech highlighted the issues of application of artificial intelligence in business. For more details about the speaking notes, please see the presentation.
Kirill shared his impressions: "At the Forum, I was delighted to speak about legal regulation of AI. This was an inspiring and constructive experience. The event was organized at a high level and united keen intellect and industry leaders to discuss the key issues in the field of fintech, AI and digital economy. We discussed topical issues and the cutting-edge practices.
I was happy to share my knowledge and experience at the Forum. I saw that fintech has exciting future and I am sure that we have all required tools to make our future successful and prosperous".