AEQUITAS Lawyers Attended a Training Workshop Dedicated to Safety and Efficiency of Medical Products in the EAEU

On 16 August 2023, Almaty hosted a training workshop dedicated to "General requirements to safety and efficiency of medical products – basis for circulation of medical products in the EAEU territory.  Recommendations for use".  AEQUITAS Senior Associate Larissa Yemelyanova and Associate Dianna Ten representing the firm's pharmaceutical practice attended the workshop.

The workshop addressed the issues, as follows:

  • legal basis for circulation of medical products in the EAEU;
  • general requirements to safety and efficiency of medical products;
  • structure and content of general requirements;
  • requirements to labeling of medical products;
  • requirements to information in the instructions for use of a medical product; and
  • proof that a medical product complies with the general requirements, etc.

Thanks to the organizers for such informative and useful workshop.

Certificate L. Yemelyanova (.pdf)

Certificate D. Ten (.pdf)