AEQUITAS team planted 30 trees on occasion of the 30th anniversary

On 21 April, AEQUITAS employees planted 30 trees on occasion of the 30th anniversary of the firm.

The trees were planted in Almaty in the territory of the gymnasium school No. 202.

We formed the anniversary alley in the line of the school planting mainly young Forsythia trees and lilac shrubs.  The school students participated in this event together with AEQUITAS employees.

It is worth mentioning that the trees were planted the day before the citywide community cleanup.

Forsythia is a small tree or a shrub 1-3 meters high, and its blooming appears in early spring and lasts for up to three weeks or even longer.  Such blooming is a feature making it distinct from other shrubs.  The fruit is a case with winged seeds.


