Zukhriya Durgalova
About Counsel
Zukhriya Durgalova is one of the leading advocates of Kazakhstan with extensive experience in handling of criminal and administrative cases and resolution of civil disputes, including those relating to inheritance and family matters.
Zukhriya is specializing in white-collar crimes and represents clients in cases involving illegal financial operations, state corruption, money laundering, fraud in different spheres (mortgage, corporate), etc. She also possesses successful experience in representing the client's interests in disputes relating to land relations.
Ms. Durgalova is renowned by the clients and colleagues for a high level of professional and ethical standards. She has several state awards and maintains high level of successful cases, which represents her as a top expert
In April 2024, Zukhriya Durgalova joined AEQUITAS team as a dispute resolution counsel.
2024–present AEQUITAS Law Firm – Counsel
2010 AEQUITAS Law Firm – Associate
1985–present Zhambyl Oblast Bar Association – Advocate
1988 Republic Advanced Training Courses for the justice employees of the Kazakh SSR on organization of work of the People's Court
1980–1985 Kirov Kazakh State University, law faculty, judicial-and-prosecution and investigative department
Ratings / Awards
Medal of the Union of Advocates of Kazakhstan "For professional loyalty" (2006)
Medal "80 years to advocacy of Kazakhstan"
Honorary certificate from the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Representative Projects
- Representing a group of individuals in criminal proceedings involving consideration of a violation stipulated by Article 189.4 of the Criminal Code of Kazakhstan (appropriation or embezzlement of someone’s entrusted property). The sentence on recognition of the clients as guilty of the District Court of Almaty was cancelled by the judicial board for criminal cases of Almaty City Court following an appellate appeal of the defense counsel in connection with violation of the Criminal Procedure Code (2023).
- Representing an individual in criminal proceedings involving consideration of a violation stipulated by Article 189.3 of the Criminal Code of Kazakhstan (appropriation or embezzlement of someone’s entrusted property). In the course of proceedings it was proved that the client’s actions did not contain any set of elements of a criminal offence, in which connection the criminal case was terminated by the criminal prosecution authority (2022).
- Representing an individual in criminal proceedings involving consideration of a violation stipulated by Article 190.2 of the Criminal Code of Kazakhstan (fraud). The judgment of conviction was cancelled and the criminal case was returned to the oblast prosecutor. Later, the criminal case was terminated due to absence of the set of elements of a criminal offence in the client’s actions (2020).
- Representing an individual in criminal proceedings involving consideration of a violation stipulated by Article 297.3 of the Criminal Code of Kazakhstan (illegal circulation of narcotic substances, psychotropic substances and their analogues). The conviction judicial acts of the first instance, appellate and judicial boards for criminal cases were cancelled by the cassation instance of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan following an application of the Chairman of the Supreme Court in connection with absence of the set of elements of a criminal offence in the client’s actions. Thanks to substantiated actions of the defense line, the client was released from a detention facility (2021).
- Successfully represented an individual in the Specialized Inter-District Administrative Court with respect to recognition as illegal and revocation of the resolution of a state court enforcement officer (2024).
- Representing a legal entity in the Specialized Inter-District Economic Court of Almaty Oblast under a statement of claim against a municipal utility enterprise for recognition of work performance certificates as valid and recovery of debts for the provided services. The court judgment satisfied the stated claims (2023).
- Representing the state institution «Land Relations Department of Akimat of T. Ryskulov Region» to Akim of Kogershi Rural District in connection with an application from a claimant for invalidation of the third party’s application for transfer of a land plot from the lands of «Ken-Dala» farm household to a special land fund and for recognition as illegal of the resolution of Akim. The judgment of court of T. Ryskulov Region dismissed the statement of claim (2002).
Civil Disputes
- Representing a group of persons in the Specialized Inter-District Economic Court of Kyzylorda Oblast in connection with a statement of claim against a legal entity for recognition as illegal and revocation of the resolution of the general meeting of founders and re-registration of the legal entity. The court judgment partially satisfied the claimant’s claims. The agreement on sale and purchase of a share in the charter capital, resolution of the general meeting of founders and orders on re-registration were cancelled and recognized as illegal (2021).
- Representing an individual in a civil case on establishment of the fact of recognition of the right of ownership, invalidation of the registration certificate to a residential building, resolutions of Akim of Merke Rural District, and sale and purchase agreement. Thanks to the actions of the defense counsel the judgment of Merke Region Court of Zhambyl Oblast and resolution of the judicial board for civil cases of Zhambyl Oblast Court were revoked and the case was referred for a new judicial consideration (2019).
- Representing an individual in a civil case involving distribution of inherited property and collection of the claimant’s share from the defendant. The Judgment of Medeu District Court of Almaty partially satisfied the claim, distributed the inherited property, and collected the claimant’s share from the defendant (2021).
- Representing an individual in a civil case involving distribution of the property jointly acquired by spouses for the purpose of recognition of a disputed house ownership as joint property with equal shares and distribution of the disputed house ownership by transferring it in kind to the defendant and collection of a monetary compensation from the defendant to the claimant in the amount of ½ share due to the claimant (2021).